Patient information: Rehabilitation
For our rehabilitation patients your hospital admission will be arranged through the acute service where your surgery has taken place.
Our liaison officers may come and visit you to assess your suitability for our program.
You will be informed of an estimated admission date to rehab following your surgery and it will be confirmed the morning of your transfer.
On the day of your admission, please go to the main reception desk, located close to the main entrance of the hospital on Level 1. For our of rehabilitation patients you may be directed straight to your allocated room on arrival at the hospital.
After your admission has been registered by our reception team you will be transferred to the appropriate ward within the hospital.
In this area you will be greeted by your admitting nurse and an admission assessment will be undertaken.
At the time of admission, your bed will have been allocated on the basis of clinical need and bed availability.
Our hospital has a mix of private and shared rooms.
We will endeavor to provide you with a private room for your stay if this is your wish but this will not always be possible.
A chaplaincy service is available.
Please ask the ward staff if you wish to contact a chaplain or arrange a visit.
Discharge is before 10am on the day of discharge.
We ask that you make arrangements to be picked up accordingly. If you are unable to leave hospital at this time, you may be asked to vacate your room and wait in a patient lounge.
Things NOT TO DO for the first 24 hours after leaving hospital
- Activities which requires coordination and or a high level of alertness
- Drive a motor vehicle. Motor vehicle insurance policies may be void in the event of an accident
- Use any dangerous machinery and tools.
Your Doctor will advise if the time frame varies on any of the above activities.
Insured patients / those with private health insurance
The Hills Private Hospital has agreements with the majority of private health funds to cover hospital charges for your admission.
Depending on your level of cover, some policies require you to pay an excess or co-payment and you will be asked to pay this prior to or on admission.
In addition, health fund policies require members to serve waiting periods before they will provide cover and some levels of cover have excluded services.
Pre-existing ailment rules may also apply and your cover may be subject to these rules. We therefore strongly recommend that you contact your health fund to confirm your cover prior to your admission.
Your account for the hospitalisation will include your accommodation and other chargeable items in accordance with The Hills Private Hospital current fee agreement with your health fund.
You will be asked to complete and sign a health insurance claim form on admission. We will submit your claim directly to your health fund on your behalf.
It is important that you know that in the event that your health fund rejects your claim for reimbursement for any reason, the hospital will seek to recover any amounts outstanding from you.
This is why it is important that you check your level of cover with your health fund prior to admission.
Self Funded / those without private health fund cover
If you are a self funded patient you may be required to pay an estimate of the total amount of the hospital account prior to admission to confirm your booking or the estimate total cost on admission.
You will be required to pay any positive difference in your account on discharge.
If the amount paid by you was in excess of the amount required to cover the cost of your care you will received a refund from the hospital.
Workcover / Worksafe /Third Party Insurance
If your admission is as a result of a WorkCover/WorkSafe, third party or Public liability claim, the hospital will require prior written approval for your admission from the relevant insurance company.
Your admission cannot be confirmed or proceed until this approval is received.
Any claims that have not been approved by the insurance company will be treated as self funded admission and the estimated hospital costs will be payable by you.
Payment methods prior to or on admission
The hospital accepts cash, bank cheques, money orders, EFTPOS, Visa and MasterCard for any amounts payable. A credit card surcharge of 1.5% applies for VISA and MasterCard.
Personal cheque not accepted. If choosing to pay by EFTPOS, please note that most financial institutions have a daily limit of $1000.
An accredited interpreter service can be arranged where deemed necessary. Charges may apply.
- All medication currently being taken, in original packaging
- All medication repeat prescriptions
- A list of all current medications from your GP
- All relevant x-rays / scans
- CPAP (if used)
- Comfortable clothing
- Health care card
- Health Fund membership card
- Medicare card
- Mobility/walking aid (if used)
- Notes/letters/reports from your Doctor
- Pen and note paper
- Pensioner concession card
- Pharmaceutical Safety Net card
- Reading material
- Sleep/night attire/dressing gown
- Slippers (non slip)
- Small amount of cash
- Spectacles and case
- Swimming costume
- Toiletries
- Veterans’ Affairs card
- Workers Comp claims agent details and approval letter.
Dress sensibly, be comfortable. No high heels, wear sensible shoes or non slip socks at all times.
Unless there is a valid reason we do not encourage patients leaving their bedrooms wearing night clothes during the day time.
Please bring a swimming costume with you as you may have Hydrotherapy sessions as part of your treatment.
Having good habits, developing a good routine and structure are essential components of your well being.