Day Rehabilitation Programs
Our Day Rehabilitation Programs are designed to restore confidence, independence and mobility for people who have established rehabilitation needs, but do not require the support of an inpatient service.
We provide a variety of programs to suit your needs. Through therapy, exercise and education we aim to improve movement and strength to restore independence and wellbeing.
Each patient is reviewed prior to beginning their program by one of our Specialists. Your local GP, physician or surgeon will be able to assist you with obtaining a referral.
To make a referral click here.
Alternatively forward your referral to Dayrehabilitation.hills@healthscope.com.au OR fax to 02 9686 2003.
Group Rehabilitation Programs
Our programs provide access to all Hospital services without needing to be admitted as an inpatient, meaning you’re able to stay living at home. Most programs consist of at least three sessions of 30-60 minutes per session and include:
- Physiotherapy
- Exercise Physiology
- Hydrotherapy
- Tai Chi
- Education
- Occupational Therapy
- Psychology
- Speech Pathology
- Dietetics
Our Program is designed for patients who have undergone Joint or Spinal surgery. It is also appropriate for patients who have injuries or are experiencing musculoskeletal weakness, stiffness or pain.
Our program includes:
- Physiotherapy sessions to improve joint movement, strengthening, stretching, mobility training, functional exercises and manual therapy as required
- Exercise Physiology to support core stability, provide upper/lower body strengthening, cardiovascular fitness and balance exercises
- Hydrotherapy sessions in our on-site heated pool aims to improve strength, range of motion, cardiovascular fitness, balance and co-ordination as well as provide pain relief
- Access to the Multidisciplinary team as required including wound care
Our Program is designed for patients with an established neurological condition who are below their baseline level of function. Including but not limited to stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis or brain injuries.
Patients will be assessed by our Specialist and prescribed suitable therapies which may include:
- Physiotherapy
- Exercise Physiology
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Pathology
- Counselling/ psychology
- Hydrotherapy
- Tai Chi
Our reconditioning and falls prevention program is for patients who are experiencing a decline in their normal level of function or balance due to a prolonged hospital admission, general surgery, medical illness or other chronic condition.
Our program includes:
- Physiotherapy sessions to improve strength and mobility
- Exercise physiology sessions to improve cardiovascular fitness and core stability
- Tai Chi sessions to calm the mind and improve balance and coordination through gentle breathing exercises and slow stretches.
Our program is for patients who have experienced myocardial infarction (cardiac arrest), cardiac surgery (Stent/ CABG/ valve replacements), stable angina, controlled heart failure or other vascular/ heart disease.
Our program includes:
- Exercise sessions with our exercise physiologists to improve strength, function and mobility to enhance quality of life of individuals who have experienced a cardiac event.
- Education with our multi-disciplinary team who will discuss heart disease and eating for heart health.
- Tai Chi sessions to calm the mind and improve balance and coordination through gentle breathing exercises and slow stretches.
Each patient will have graded exercise programs overtime to progressively increase general strength and endurance.
Program run times
Our Cardiac Rehabilitation Day Program consist of two day sessions or one evening session that are two (2) hours in duration.
Available times include:
- Monday and Wednesday from 3pm–5pm
- Tuesday and Friday 12pm–2pm
- Tuesday evenings from 6pm–8pm
Our Team
Our experienced multidisciplinary team include:
- Rehabilitation Physicians and Medical Officers
- Physiotherapists
- Exercise Physiologists
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Occupational Therapists
- Psychologists/Counsellors
- Dietician
Our pain management program aims to help you better manage persistent pain. This holistic program includes exercise in the gym, education and hydrotherapy. We empower a self-management approach in your recovery.
Program aims
- Increase your engagement in purposeful activity and leisure
- Reduce your emotional distress with chronic pain and the changes to your lifestyle
- Increase your independence, self-confidence and quality of life
- Improve your physical fitness, endurance, muscle strength and quality of movement
- Reduce any reliance on pain medications and ongoing therapies
- Facilitate suitable return to work where appropriate
Eligible participants
- Are motivated to participate in a self-management approach
- Are diagnosed with chronic pain longer than 3 months or who have not responded to current treatment program
- Are not expecting any further improvement with medical intervention
- Have non-malignant musculoskeletal pain
- Are wanting to avoid surgery and reduce their medication use
Experienced and supportive team
- Rehabilitation physicians
- Psychiatrists
- Physiotherapists
- Exercise physiologists
- Occupational therapists
- Counsellors
- The psychology and physiology of pain
- Biomechanics and your posture
- Activity tolerances and pacing
- Sleeping difficulties
- Setting goals
- Relaxation techniques
- How you think and communicate
- How to manage flare-ups and stress
- How to manage your lifestyle and recreation
Our pain management program runs twice a week for eight weeks.
Monday 9.00am-11.30am (2.5 hours)
Wednesday 1.00pm-3.30pm (2.5 hours)
Funding options
- Work Cover and Compulsory Third Party Insurance (CTP). Once we receive your referral, we’ll send a request for approval to your case manager
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA)
- Self-funding
- Private Health Insurance (on assessment)
How to join
To take part in this program you need a referral from your GP, specialist, allied health professional or referring hospital.
Submit referrals via:
P 02 9686 0454
E dayrehabilitation.hills@healthscope.com.au
Our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is a supervised program that includes exercise training, health education, and breathing techniques for any person with a chronic lung condition and who have symptoms of dyspnoea on exertion and/or fatigue. Patients who benefit from this program experience difficulty breathing or finds that the activities they participate in every day are getting harder to complete.
Our program includes:
- Physiotherapy sessions to improve strength and mobility
- Exercise physiology sessions to improve cardiovascular fitness
- Tai Chi sessions to calm the mind and improve balance and coordination through gentle breathing exercises and slow stretches
- Education from the multidisciplinary team
Individual sessions may be available based on the needs of the participant and are set at the discretion of the Rehabilitation Physician. These programs are designed for those who require additional assistance to gain the best outcomes from the therapeutic process.
Access to day programs
Our rehabilitation day programs are available via referral from your local GP, physician or surgeon to be reviewed by one of our specialists.
During your program you will be under the direct care of this specialist who will provide guidance on which members of the team will help you work towards your goals. We can assist with organising community transport for pick up and/or drop off for day programs.
Our rehabilitation programs are Day Hospital Programs, and not outpatient programs, therefore are covered under private health insurance hospital cover and not extras or ancillary cover. Some funds may have a co-payment or excess payable either per session or as a once off payment.
Our Programs can also be covered under:
- Workers compensation/CTP Insurance
- Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
- NDIS (Self- managed plans only)
- Self-funded
If you have any questions, regarding your suitability as a day program patient please contact us on 02 9686 0454 or email us here.