Visitor Information
[Last updated 21 March 2023]
Visiting hours: 10:00am-8:00pm daily
Only 2 visitors permitted at any one time between these hours.
All permitted visitors must:
- not have tested positive to COVID-19 within the past 7 days
- not be a high-risk contact of someone who has had COVID-19 in the previous 14 days
- not have COVID-19 symptoms
- not have returned from overseas in the past 7 days
As the safety of our patients and staff remains our highest priority, we continue to maintain strict safety protocols on site, including physical distancing and hand hygiene.
The Hills Private Hospital is located at 499 Windsor Road Baulkham Hills NSW 2153.
The nearest main intersections are Windsor Road and Merindah Road. We are located 10 minutes from the Norwest Boulevarde exit (heading east) on the M7 and the Old Windsor Rd exit (heading south) on the M2.
Car parking
We have ample visitor and disabled parking onsite.
Our daily rates are displayed upon entry at the boom gate.
Weekly parking tickets are discounted and can be purchased at Main Reception.
Public transport
Bus stops are located on both sides of Windsor Road outside The Hills Private Hospital.
Timetables are available online at www.cdcbus.com.au and by contacting 13 15 00.
We are also only minutes away from Norwest Private Hospital and the M2/M7 motorways.
The Family Drug Support group (FDS) is a caring, nonreligious and non judgemental organisation primarily made up of volunteers who have experienced first hand the trauma and chaos of having family members with drug dependency.
They have travelled the same road and now the mission of FDS is to assist families throughout Australia to deal with alcohol and drug issues in a way that strengthens relationships and achieves positive outcomes.
Their energies are given in primarily supporting families struggling as a result of drug use and they aim to assist in any way possible to empower families to cope with the realisation of their situation and to survive it intact.
To this end FDS offer a seven day, 24 hour telephone line Australia-wide, manned by volunteers offering help to diffuse crisis, offering strategies for coping and giving any information required.
FDS believe that families are important as they are the ones who understand their family member more so than anyone else. If left to work through issues in isolation, families can become exhausted and give up. However, when supported they can become a vital force for positive change.
FDS is committed to working with professional organisations and forming constructive partnerships.
Armed with collective wisdom, FDS has adopted a view of harm minimisation and aim therefore to reduce the adverse health, social and economic consequences of drug use for the community and for the individual.
FDS does not condone or encourage illegal behaviour of any kind but does, however, has a commitment to the reform of some drug laws. They believe the use of all drug substances should be decriminalised and would like crimes committed as a result of drug use be carefully assessed and where possible, perpetrators diverted to treatment and not sentenced to jail.
FDS has no sympathy or tolerance for major crime i.e. violence/drug importation and they also believe that legal drugs can be harmful and abused as well as illicit drugs.
FDS works:
- In the interpersonal, family, social and political factors needing to be considered when planning drug prevention and treatment strategies in real changes occurring when individuals, families and the community participate in the process.
- In education, health promotion and treatment activities linked to a continuum of service provisions providing a coherent and inter-related range of services in encouraging education and treatment, and promoting improved outcomes for users, their families and the community, in contributing to the development and skills of volunteers.
- In working in partnerships with governments and other agencies to effectively achieve these objectives.
FDS can be contacted through their website at: www.fds.org.au or by phone on 1300 368 186.
The helpline runs 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Carers whether they are family or friends can sometimes find that they benefit from talking to someone who understands their situation – whatever that may be.
Support is available from our team of health professionals and there are also some external services that may be helpful:
Carers NSW
Carers NSW is an association for relatives and friends caring for people with a disability, mental illness, drug and alcohol dependencies, chronic condition, terminal illness or who are frail and are the peak organisation for carers in New South Wales. The goals for Carers NSW is for carers in NSW to have improved opportunities and access to services that meet their needs regardless of their age, gender, circumstances, location or cultural and linguistic backgrounds. They aim to:
- Increase independence and choice related to caring circumstances
- Improve health and wellbeing
- Expand opportunities to participate in the community, including access to appropriate housing, employment
- and education
- Enhance financial security, access to advice and capacity to plan for the future
- Affect the ability to influence change in their lives, and in the lives of people they support
Improve access to:
- high quality and timely supports and services delivered on a equitable basis
- a coordinated community care and health system able to identify carers and respond their needs and
- those of the people they support
- an effective network of professionals, services providers, and support groups which collaborate and
- support carers and the people they support
Facilitate a society where carers are valued and recognised for the important roles they perform, and where there are positive attitudes and perceptions of carers throughout the community
Carers NSW can be contacted through their website at: www.carersnsw.asn.au or
by phone Monday - Friday
9am to 5pm on Freecall 1800 242 636