GP Events
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Quality Assurance and Continuing Professional Development Program (QA & CPD) includes the promotion of GP participation in effective and efficient quality assurance and continuing professional development by encouraging and identifying high quality activities for GPs.
Healthscope has achieved both Endorsed Provider (Category 2) and Accredited Provider (Category 1) status with the RACGP.
Our dedicated continuation of education programs assist General Practitioners to fulfil their accreditation criteria set out by the RACGP.
General practitioners can register to attend a The Hills Private Hospital GP event below:
Upcoming Events
In the CPD 2020–22 triennium there are two types of education activities that we provide:
- CPD Accredited Activity – learning that introduces new knowledge or a new skill
- CPD Activity offers reinforcement or updating of existing knowledge or skill
If you are a GP in our local area and would like to be placed on our email list, please contact Alyssa Giunta at alyssa.giunta@healthscope.com.au.
A comprehensive update in cardiology
Saturday 23 July, 2022 | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The Hills Lodge, 1 Salisbury Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154
This activity will expand the understanding of diagnostic and management strategies for patients presenting with signs and symptoms of heart disease in the primary care setting.
The format will include lectures, case studies and detailed discussions.
- Dr Ajita Kanthan
- Dr Athula Gunasekara
- Dr Graham Meredith
- Dr Viswanathan Venkatachalam
Learning Outcomes:
- Conduct the evaluation of a cardiac murmur to recognise valvular heart disease and the indications for intervention
- Discuss the role of diagnostic tools and cardiovascular risk factors that must be considered prior to commencing lipid-modifying therapy
- Initiate a rational and thorough evaluation of patients with symptoms of heart failure and describe initial treatment, citing differences in regimens used in HFrEF and HFpEF
- Describe diagnostic and treatment pathways for arrhythmias and the role of medical and procedural therapies
- Utilise course reference material and specialist information to implement new strategies and identify effective referral pathways that ensure continuity of care for patients with heart disease.
Inquiries to Alyssa Giunta
P: 02 8882 8802 | E: alyssa.giunta@healthscope.com.au
Hearing loss and dementia
This event has been postponed until further notice!
Please feel free to register your interest in attending, and I will send out a new date as soon as possible.
The Hills Lodge, 1 Salisbury Drive, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Hearing loss is the single most modifiable factor that contributes to cognitive decline associated with dementia. Research suggests that people with mild symptoms of hearing loss may be twice as likely to develop dementia as those with healthy hearing, while people with severe hearing loss may be five times more likely to develop dementia. Early identification and treatment of hearing difficulties may help lower the risk of dementia. This activity will update GPs on the current guidelines and evidence based technological intervention for optimal hearing outcomes and provide solutions for management.
- Dr Vanaja Sivapathasingam -Adult & Paediatric ENT Surgeon
- Dr Chandanika Piumali Gunawardene - Geriatrician
- Merren Davies - Audiologist
Learning Outcomes:
- By the end of this activity GPs will be able to access if a hearing problem is present and organise immediate intervention.
- By the end of this activity GP’s will be able to discuss the age related risk of hearing loss to dementia, and recommend a specialist for immediate referral.
- By the end of this activity GP’s will be able to discuss the patient journey from hearing aids to a cochlear implant and recommend a referral.
Inquiries to Alyssa Giunta
P: 02 8882 8802 | E: alyssa.giunta@healthscope.com.au
Pre-Recorded Webinars
PTSD – A guide for General Practitioners
This update has been developed with a GP focus in order to expand the understanding of early diagnostic and management strategies for patients presenting with signs and symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Psychiatrists with extensive experience in this subspecialty will review and examine evidence, patient case studies and the available diagnostic and treatment options available to General Practitioners and their patients. This activity will guide GPs through the early identification of PTSD and the most current recommendations for pharmacological and psychological intervention.
Learning Outcomes:
- Make a diagnosis of PTSD and differentiate it from conditions with similar symptoms.
- Obtain a history in a sensitive manner and obtain sensitive information.
- Identify risk factors for developing PTSD
- Commence appropriate pharmacotherapy and refer for appropriate Psychological and Psychiatric therapy
Inguinal Hernia - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Referral, Repair
This update has been developed with a GP focus in order to expand knowledge on diagnosis, appropriate referral, treatment and post-operative care of patients presenting with an Inguinal Hernia. Delegates will be provided with extensive information on the surgical techniques offered to treat patients once diagnosed with an Inguinal Hernia. General Practitioners will be given the confidence to manage these patients and know when to refer to a specialist for further intervention and care.
- Dr Lawrence Yuen
- Dr Yusuf Moollan
Learning Outcomes:
- Distinguish patients suitable for Open vs Laparoscopic surgical repair
- Identify the potential risk vs benefit of open hernia repair and laparoscopic repair and how this effects post-operative care
- Explain the diagnosis to patients and recommend a referral to a specialist when required
Respiratory Update
Norwest Private Hospital invites General Practitioners and Allied Health professionals to attend this live, online and interactive meeting with Dr Benjamin Ng and Dr Subash Srikantha.
- Dr Benjamin Ng - Respiratory & Sleep Medicine Physician
- Dr Subash Srikantha - Respiratory & Sleep Medicine Physician
This webinar will discuss management of common lung conditions including Asthma & COPD. Discussion around investigating lung nodule detection & cancer pathways will also be covered. This will include looking at different investigations required for a diagnosis of each of the problems. Provide an overview of patient treatment and management plans & assist GP's in the diagnosis & management pathways for common respiratory presentations and provide pathways for referral.
Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the management of asthma and COPD including the role of biologicals and puffers
- Discuss conservative versus aggressive management in primary care of asthma and COPD
- Develop a systematic approach to further assessing suspected lung nodules with history, examination and appropriate investigations
- Describe role of diagnostic technology to clarify aetiology of lung nodules
- Utilise appropriate referral pathways for management of lung nodules
Evaluation and Management of Iron Deficiency, Anaemia and Liver Disease
Norwest Private Hospital invites General Practitioners and Healthcare Professionals to attend this live, online and interactive meeting presented by Dr Raghu Gill and Dr Rajni Tiwari
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in Australia, & remains one of the most under-diagnosed conditions in general practice. The activity will assist GPs looking for strategies to diagnose iron deficiency, & to interpret pathology reporting & management in a primary care setting.
Learning Outcomes:
- Discuss prevalence of iron deficiency in key patient population, looking at strategies to diagnose iron deficiency, how to interpret pathology reporting & management
- Access when intervention is required for patients diagnosed with alcoholic liver and fatty liver disease
Back Pain Red Flags
The Hills Private and Norwest Private Hospitals invites General Practitioners and Allied Health professionals to attend this live, online and interactive meeting with Dr Vanessa Perotti, Dr Fatemeh Sarmast and hosted by Suzanne Hall.
Activity ID: 220786
The aim of this webinar is to assist GPs to exclude the possibility of serious pathology in back pain presentations by debating red flags. The clinical guidelines consistently specify that imaging is only required in specific circumstances, and that there is a critical need for primary care clinicians to engage in thoughtful use of imaging procedures, and to consider alternative or adjunct methods for providing reassurance, in order to avoid or mitigate the potential negative impact of ‘anomalous’ findings.
Learning Outcomes:
- Analyse if red flags are present in the patient’s presenting with back pain;
- Apply a systematic approach to the management and rehabilitation of chronic back pain;
- Identify when the criteria for an immediate referral of patients is met.
Dr Vanessa Perotti BSc(Hons) MBBS MHL FRACS (Neurosurgery)
Neurosurgeon @Norwest Private Hospital
Dr Vanessa Perotti is a neurosurgeon with interests in all aspects of neurosurgery including brain, spine conditions and peripheral nerve disorders. Dr Perotti is a medical graduate of the University of Sydney and completed neurosurgical training at John Hunter, Liverpool, St George, Royal North Shore and Macquarie University Hospitals. She also completed training overseas in Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand and an observership at Columbia-Presbertyrian Hospital, New York. Dr Perotti completed her training and was awarded Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in 2017. Post fellowship, Dr Perotti completed further training in the Northern Territory in neuro-trauma and rural and remote surgery, followed by further training in South Australia where she was awarded a spinal fellowship from Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide.
Dr Fatemeh Sarmast MBBS FAFRM
Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist @The Hills Private Hospital
Dr Fatemeh Sarmast is a Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine with admitting rights to The Hills Private Hospital. She oversees the day program and conducts patient assessment as well as managing our Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Dr Fatemeh Sarmast commenced her medical career as an international medical graduate, obtaining her Medical Doctorate (MBBS equivalent) in 2009 from Tehran, Iran (Shahid Beheshti University). She started working as a Resident Medical Officer in Australia in 2012 and finished her advanced training at Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine in 2019. Specialist patient care includes: • Post joint replacement • Frequent falls in elderly • Multi-trauma/reconditioning • Pain and spasticity management • Amputees • Neurological disorders such as stroke and multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, brain injury, dementia, and Motor Neurone Disease • Work related injury and NDIS
Online Education - On Demand Webinar
In addition to RACGP CPD accredited live events, The Hills Private Hospital is pleased to offer a series of online educational webinars that General Practitioners can access at their convenience. To complete an activity, please register by clicking the link below.
You will receive your login details via an email from praxhub within 1 working day.
Once you are able to log in, please:
- Select CPD/CME option
- Select ‘Healthscope’ (~5th down the list) to join other healthcare professionals in groups and follow Healthscope to access education from Norwest Private & The Hills Private Hospitals
- Receive notifications to stay up to date on the newest education and latest industry trends
- Approach to Chest Pain (3 CPD points)
- Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (2 CPD points)
- Back Pain Red Flags (3 CPD points)
For further information on our GP engagement program, please contact:
Alyssa Giunta
P: 02 8882 8802 | E: alyssa.giunta@healthscope.com.au